Walk away from the negative perceptions and the views that control how you see or feel about yourself. Increase your self worth and confidence, allowing feelings of empowerment.
Access those unconscious levels where automatic behavior patterns begin - learn how you can easily and comfortably establish a new set of behaviors that will replace them.
Although stress is common, it can be harmful for relationships. Hypnosis can assist in working with painful feelings related to letting go of bad relationships,
improving your current ones, resolving relationship anxiety or the process of ending a relationship.
Hypnotherapy can help you to reframe negative thoughts and behaviours and encourage you to see things from a new, more positive perspective.
Once nail biting becomes a habit, it can become your go-to behavior.
Replacing smoking with a healthier, better way of dealing with stress or habit.
Change your behavior in relation to money.
If you suffer from anxiety, either in a specific situation or generally, then hypnosis is definitely worth trying. We will work together to identify reasons for it, and work on relaxation and self hypnosis to keep you more comfortable.
Stress can create many digestive problems - but did you know that in more serious cases, stress may cause a decrease in blood flow and oxygen to the stomach, which could lead to cramping, inflammation, or an imbalance of gut bacteria. It can also exacerbate gastrointestinal disorders, including IBS. Hypnosis is a safe and effective way of relaxing this system.
Regardless of why you might be snacking late at night, you can make this eating occasion a more satisfying and healthful experience.
Did you know that insomnia is often a conditioned response to bedtime. You feel tired, but as soon as your head hits that pillow, eyes are wide open. Hypnosis can often recondition this behavior because it breaks this stress cycle through relaxation and thought change.
Well-being is the experience of health, happiness, and prosperity. This often begins with the ability to manage stress.
Everyone lacks confidence occasionally but people with low self-esteem are unhappy or unsatisfied with themselves most of the time.
Progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness, affirmations, breathing techniques, guided imagery - are just some of the highly effective steps aided with hypnosis.
Often used by athletes in a variety of sports - as stress management techniques and can also accelerate many aspects of mental training.
Anger issues can have a wide variety of causes and each person will have individual reasons for their rage. Previous experiences of hurt, bereavement or despair, or difficult environments can bring about the onset of anger difficulties. All of these anger triggers can be readily helped using hypnotherapeutic strategies. a reason to do business with you. - Ann Morrison. C.Ht
Stop sabotaging yourself with negative thoughts, that then result in negative behaviors. In fact, the more positive your thoughts, the more resilient you become during challenging times.
Hypnotherapy and learning self hypnosis, can become a natural part of your daily routine, living you feeling energized and non stoppable!
There is often a difference between feelings of sadness and depression. Clinical depression is something hypnotherapy can help, while working with the physician who oversees your care. Feelings are often an emotional response, which hypnosis can usually help, by changing the thoughts that create the emotion.
Manage, reduce and alleviate pain in acute and chronic conditions.
“Hypnosis can help turn down the volume on pain, both acute and chronic,” . In work with cancer patients, it has demonstrated its benefit in a series of clinical trials—including a forthcoming study suggesting that hypnosis could reduce the joint pain that is a common side effect of a drug used to treat breast cancer. His program has fund
“Hypnosis can help turn down the volume on pain, both acute and chronic,” . In work with cancer patients, it has demonstrated its benefit in a series of clinical trials—including a forthcoming study suggesting that hypnosis could reduce the joint pain that is a common side effect of a drug used to treat breast cancer. His program has funding from the National Cancer Institute to provide free training to any cancer care providers who want to learn hypnosis to help patients manage pain.
Grief isn't limited to the loss of a loved one. Hypnotherapy can help work with loss such as Losing a job, Loss of financial stability, Retirement, Death of a pet, Serious Illness, Loss of Friendships, etc
Hypnosis is often used to manage side effects of treatment — fatigue, nausea, pain and anxiety. customers a reason to do business with you.
Use the power of hypnosis to develop the emotional calm and strength you need to face the roller coaster of raising children.
Insecurity about doing things incorrectly causes many people to unconsciously sabotage their chances for success.
Hypnosis may reduce the overall use of pain medication during labour here.
Lets face it, aging can be difficult. Hypnosis can help reduce the effects of it on various levels. In addition to pain management, deeper relaxation with less stress can also impact the physiological struggles, such as fear or loss.
The spiritually-inclined believe these experiences to be clues to forgotten past lives, while others are open to the idea of mental metaphors created by the mind.
Milton Erickson
And many, many others. Remember, a hypnosis session is tailored to YOUR specific needs.
It’s Time for a New Perception on Life.
Call today for your free consultation
Maine Hypnosis, LLC
(207) 520 - 8300